Self Healing Guide to Healthy Chakras - Ebook

Self Healing Guide to Healthy Chakras - Ebook

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Are you interested in having a stronger spiritual connection in your life? 

If yes, then I highly recommend working with The Chakra System as a daily practice for spiritual growth and your general health and wellbeing. As one of my teacher's says - it is the royal path to self actualization and the experience of connection to your true Self.

Why the e-book vs. Chakra Meditation Cards? - Because of the nature and size of the meditation cards, it was only possible to include a limited amount of information. Although complete in its own merit, I did receive lots of emails requesting more information.

This ebook, address most of the requests I have received over the past few years, including how to meditate, explanation of what mantras are, what the colours of each chakra mean etc. whilst keeping it as simple as possible so that it is manageable and doable.

The topic of Chakras is quite vast, if you want to go more in-depth in the understanding of the Chakra System, then I would highly recommend the book called Chakras by Harish Johari (the teachings I have received are based on his spiritual principles and designs of the Chakra System).

This ebook is a wonderful tool to support your chakra balancing and self healing practice, with practical information and know how...