How to Cleanse your Home and Work Space?


Health Care Practitioners, Yoga or Fitness Instructors, Class Room Teachers, Stay at Home Parents, no matter what your vocation, I strongly believe that we should cleanse our space from negative energy in order to create a healthy vibrant harmonious flow - read more about this in WHY IS CLEANSING NEGATIVE ENERGY SO IMPORTANT – My Story?


Before you start it is always a good idea to sense the energy in the space you wish to cleanse first. Notice any sensations you feel as you take your awareness to your space. See if you feel or sense any heaviness or denseness in the room, this may show up as feeling hot, cold, clammy or you may experience a tingling sensation, perhaps even a sense of lightness in certain parts of the room - it is your discernment that counts so that you can start to gauge how frequently your place needs to be cleansed.

  • Once you have completed sensing the space, set your personal intention to cleanse, clear and purify your home, hotel room or workspace from all negative energy that does not serve your highest good.
  • As you speak your intention (out loud is always better), spray the room, going in a counterclockwise direction (this extracts negative energy).
  • Once you have completed spraying the space, sense the room again to see how it feels. Particularly, in the areas where the energy felt heavier. Repeat if necessary until space feels fresher and lighter and the heaviness transformed!
  • You can also infuse good vibes, to your space – again set your intention to bring "joy" or whatever you wish to bring into your home and spray going in a clockwise direction around the room (this direction infuses positive energy).
  • Another use is when you come home from a heavy day at work, or have been on public transport, in a restaurant etc. and feel like cleansing away the day's dirty chi (energy) from yourself - set your intention to transform the dirty chi as above and spritz above your head several times and let the spray settle on you! (Be sure to check for allergies before doing so!)

Cleansing WILL eliminate built up dense and negative energy and promote a healthier energy flow in the environment in which we live and work, I personally use it most days and certainly don't leave home without it!

Enjoy a Beautiful Flow and a healthy harmonious environment in which to live and heal!